"The God of Love: Duality in Harmony: Part Two

"The God of Love: Duality in Harmony: Part Two

70's Experimental Smooth Gospel Funk, on the 1 beats, 70's Experimental P-Soul/Funk, Yacht Rock


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"The God of Love: Duality in Harmony: Part Two

(Verse 3)
But in the depths of passion, there's a price to be paid,
For the love that gives freely, there are dues to be laid.
In the ache of absence, in the longing thereof,
Dwells the bittersweet trials, the God of Love.

Oh, the God of Love, a force of strife,
Carving lessons deep into the story of life.
In every tear that falls, in the push and shove,
There you feel the cost, the God of Love.

(Verse 4)
In the jealous night, in the quarrel's roar,
In the tender wound that begs for more.
Love's the fire that consumes, the push comes to shove,
A fierce and burning teacher, the God of Love.

Yet in the pain, there's growth, in the shadows, a light,
For even in the darkness, love's ember burns bright.
Through the trials we face, the sorrows we move,
We find the deepest strength, the God of Love.

Yet in the pain, there's growth, in the shadows, a light,
For even in the darkness, love's ember burns bright.
Through the trials we face, the sorrows we move,
We find the deepest strength, the God of Love.