drift off

drift off

Intro, Post-Punk, Post-Rock, elctro, female voice, dark


كلمات الاغنية

drift off

Verse 1) 
I am  so tired, I long for sleep, 
but it keeps me awake to keep my secrets. 
No more interruptions,no lectures to be told, 
Longing for rest, for a gentle hold. 
Oh, let me drift off, 
Into the silence of the night. 
Where dreams weave their soft web,
And I find solace in the fading light. 

 (Verse 2) 
But sleep is denied me, my limbs protest, 
No more sorrow, no more tears. 
In this stupor, peace is fleeting, 
Longing for sleep, time's slow beating. 

(Verse 2) 
But sleep is denied me, my limbs protest, 
No more sorrow, no more tears. 
In this stupid stupor, peace is fleeting, 
Longing for sleep, time's slow beating. 

Oh, let me drift off, 
In the silence of the night. 
Where dreams weave their soft web,
And I find solace in the fading light.

So tired, why won't it stop? 
You can't hold me, let me go. 
It should end, it should stop, 
The agony of my hand, a new problem. 

 (Verse 3)
Neither asleep nor awake, 
Piles of energy cans, my thoughts stray. 
Cold surroundings, but I don't feel the cold, 
why do I miss the loneliness? 

Oh, let me drift off, Into the silence of the night. 
Where dreams weave their soft web,
And I find solace in the fading light.

In the silence of the night, 
I will find solace in the end. 
Let the darkness take its last diversions, 
and in sleep my wounds will heal.