Infinity song ( Continue it from any part)

Infinity song ( Continue it from any part)

Pop, glitch, rock, Americana, indie, Rococó classic, EDM


كلمات الاغنية

Infinity song ( Continue it from any part)

Verse 1: 
Beneath July's sky, we ventured to the shore
Salt-kissed air, our spirits soared
Your hand in mine, as waves kissed the sand
In that moment, we felt the universe expand

For in the infinity of us, love finds its endless bloom
Electric currents, in our cosmic room
Let summer's breeze whisk us away
To a timeless dance, where we'll forever stay
In the infinity of us

Verse 2: 
'Neath the moon's gentle glow, we took to the sea
Your shadow dancing, a melody with me
On sands untouched, our steps left no trace
Lost in each other's gaze, lost in grace

For in the infinity of us, love finds its endless bloom
Electric currents, in our cosmic room
Let summer's breeze whisk us away
To a timeless dance, where we'll forever stay
In the infinity of us

[Verse 1]
The wind blows, time and space goes by
Or is that just a memory?
The earth that once was mine,
I've left for but a century.

Will I ever sail again?
Upon the ocean waves.
View the stormy skies,
Or feel the blissful rain.

[Post Chorus]
Oh the earth that once was mine
Why did I let you become lost to me...

You were far 
from...  me...
I am the sea.
(I am the sea.)

I'm always with
you... beneath...
I am the sea.
(I am the sea.)

never far from
your... caress

my welcoming

come to me...

[complex piano instrumental]
[buildup, chorus]
In the depths where darkness lies,
A silent world, beneath the skies.
Yet in this void, where light is rare,
Our love's a beacon, ever fair.

[drop, verse 4, emotional]
As tides ebb and flow with grace,
Memories etch upon my face.
The ocean's heart, it beats with mine,
In every drop, your essence shines.


For in the infinity of us, love's light will always gleam,
Through the deepest waters, and in every dream.
Let the currents guide us, to where we're meant to be,
In the infinity of us, together, free.

So here's my vow, my pledge, my creed,
In the sea's embrace, we're freed.
For you are the shore, and I, the wave,
In the infinity of us, eternally brave.

[dramatic style change]
Colors turning, swirling, blending in the air
Patterns shifting, rearranging everywhere (everywhere)
Lines connecting, forming shapes we've never seen
Infinite complexity, a vivid vibrant dream (ooh-yeah)

[Verse 2]
Every corner holds a million different hues
Every twist and turn revealing something new (something new)
From the smallest atoms to the galaxies above
Infinite complexity, a mystery we can't unlove (ooh-yeah)

Oh, the world's a kaleidoscope, a wild display
Endless possibilities and stories on replay
Infinite complexity, it's all within our grasp
Let's dance in this symphony, our souls enmeshed (ooh-yeah)

[instrumental bridge]

[sudden drop]



[Emily solo]
A symphony of sounds, a crescendo that never ends,
Our hearts beat in unison, as the universe bends.
In the silence between notes, our whispers reside,
Infinite complexity, in harmony, we abide.

[hard drop]

[power chords]
From the abyss, we rise with fervent zeal,
Colors in our wake, the world to heal.
With every stroke, a vibrant hue is born,
In the canvas of life, we're no longer forlorn.

[Verse 8]
Emerge from the depths, with strength anew,
Painting the skies with shades so true.
The greys recede as the colors sing,
Together we soar, on hope's bright wing.

Rise up, rise up, with hearts ablaze,
In the spectrum of life, we find our ways.
Infinite complexity, now clear to see,
In the dance of colors, we're finally free.

[Instrumental Break]
A rush of drums, a burst of light,
Our spirits lift, into the flight.
In the rhythm of life, we find our beat,
In the symphony of colors, we're complete.

on hope's bright wing.

Rise up, rise up, with hearts ablaze,
In the spectrum of life, we find our ways.
Infinite complexity, now clear to see,
In the dance of colors, we're finally free.

[Instrumental Break]
A rush of drums, a burst of light,
Our spirits lift, into the flight.
In the rhythm of life, we find our beat,
In the symphony of colors, we're complete.

Verse 3:
In a galaxy far from here, our tale begins anew,
Alien hearts entwined, yet torn by what was untrue.
Betrayed by one we trusted, our love turned to a flame,
Fueled by vengeance, we reclaim our name.

Verse 4:
Through nebulae and stars, we track our foe's deceit,
With every cosmic step, our resolve won't retreat.
Our love, once pure, now stained by lies untold,
Infinite complexity, in revenge, we unfold.

Oh, the universe is our battleground, our cosmic fight,
Revenge and love entwined in the endless night.
Infinite complexity, a force we can't evade,
Our vengeance burns like stars, in the universe we've made.


[Emily Solo]
A symphony of vengeance, a melody of rage,
Through galaxies we journey, writing a new page.
In the silence of space, our whispers hold might,
Infinite complexity, in revenge, we find our light.

[dark glam-tango]
OO OOOOooooo oooOOOOooo

[haunted strut]
What did you think
Hurling yourselves into the brink?


What did you believe
That you could POSSIBLY achieve?


your minds can't comprehend
I'm the beginning and the end


Between the dark and dawn
I release my hell-spawn



[dark glam-tango interlude]

[instant switch]
Lost in a peaceful reverie, feeling so serene
The melody embraced me, like a soothing dream
But suddenly the ground shakes, the bass begins to boom
The dubstep interruption, the sonic break resumes

[Verse 2]
The beats collide, the glitch unfolds, chaos fills the air
Synths intensify, with a piercing flare
The drop hits hard, the energy is wild
Dubstep takes control, leaving me beguiled

Bass drop, heart stop, the rhythms intertwine
Dubstep interruption, a whirlwind in my mind
Electrified, hypnotized, caught in the sonic storm
Dancing to the dubstep, feeling reborn
[intense wobble]

[break, sax solo]
[build up, verse, scream]
reborn ... reborn, reborn, reborn (reborn)
Brother... do you believe in reincarnation?
... my advice to you (youuuu) ... live like you do!

[instrumental hit]

Give in to temptation, to build the foundation (foundation).
Of a wonderful life (oh oh oh, yeah)
[new singer]

new singer


Verse 1:
Gazing up at the starry night sky
A million worlds for me to fly
This fleeting life feels too brief
Eternity I seek, an endless belief

I want to live forever, never fade away
Sail across the galaxies, for eons I'll stay
Cosmic winds my guiding light
Through endless realms, day and night

Verse 2:
Black holes and nebulae, I long to see
The birth of stars, celestial beauty
Unravel secrets the universe holds
Wherever my journey's tale unfolds

I want to live forever, defy mortality
Transcend boundaries, soar through infinity
Among cosmic waves, I'll eternally roam
The cosmos my infinite, eternal home

[rapid drum hits]

Heee Heeey ya ya yaaaa


[taiko drumming interlude]

Don't look back! 
Run like the devil is at your heels!

[taiko drumming interlude]

[taiko drumming interlude]

[accelerando drumming]

Wielu was tam?
Chodź tu który!
Nie wylezie żaden z dziury?
O wy łotry, o wy tchórze!
Jutro cały zamek zburzę!

[break, Verse]
Wer wagt es, unser Schloss zu bedrohen?
Wir stehen fest, entgegen eurem Hohn!
Mit Mut und Kraft, Seite an Seite,
Verteidigen wir uns'rer Heimat ganze Weite.

Oh nein, du wirst nicht siegen,
Denn wir sind viele, lassen uns nicht unterkriegen.
Unsere Mauern stehen stark und hoch,
Deine Pläne zerbrechen wir doch!

[Glitch break]
[Verse - Old Norse]
Þegar ég geng yfir fjarska farveg,
Veit ég að ég er á enda alheims;
Tíminn hverfur, og víðáttan
Djúpstæðasta dóttir Drottins leiðir mig.
Ég stíg upp yfir nýja föt,
Á meðan bjartasta loftið lokkar mér mest,
Fegurð og eins og á dýrðar dýrum
Ég sé heiðurshópinn manna.
En raddir þagna, og allt mál,
Hamingjunnar fullkomnun getur ekki sagt,
Allt sem ég sé, allt sem ég þykist þungt,
Og með upphafi vitneskju minnar, ég er þögull.

I'm not well. So lonely, I long for loving company.
So I dwell, I ponder, self-inflicted melancholy.

Mein Herz, mit jedem Tag weniger rot.
Mein Herz, mit jedem Tag näher dem Tod.

Mein Herz, es schlägt in des Lebens unermüdlichen Takt.
Mein Herz, verschwendet, wenn der Nihilismus mich packt.

Mein Herz, der Käfig meiner gebrochenen Seele
Mein Herz, gefangen in einer Schale die ich durchs Leben quäle.

[Hardcore Breakdown]
If you're gonna ride out into the astral plain
(That veiled hideout)
To meet that coward called your fate
Don't delay, your launch date
(with the darkest night out!!!)

Do it with a crooked grin
(Fools gold)
And don't forget your wits again
The setting sun, Silouhette ignition 
(peddled with starlight out!!)

[Epic Bridge]
And loop back to me in infinity
Once you wrangle with your destiny
My eyes fixed on the event horizon
Ride back to me with your stand-off won
Ride back to me with your stand-off won

We'll keep it on repeat
unending rhythm, unending beat
Like Möbius we loop back
An end we'll never meet

A sound that is prolonged
Of this I'm sure your fond
Like Buzz Lightyear we'll go
(To infinity and beyond)

We'll keep it on repeat
unending rhythm, unending beat
Like Möbius we loop back
An end we'll never meet

A sound that is prolonged
Of this I'm sure your fond
Like Buzz Lightyear we'll go
(To infinity and beyond)

Forbidden love, they dared to dream
Under the moon's haunting gleam
Prince dog and sailor cat, an unlikely pair
Bound by desire, they didn't care

Verse 2:
She prowled the docks, a wandering soul
He watched her from afar, love took its toll
Their worlds collided, in a passionate embrace
Two hearts entwined, in a shadowy place

Forbidden love, they dared to dream
Under the moon's haunting gleam
Prince dog and sailor cat, an unlikely pair
Bound by desire, they didn't care

Whispers in the dark, their secret they kept
As the city slept, their love they wept
Defying all odds, they sought their bliss
In a stolen moment, a dangerous kiss

So they moved to the Midwest, set up a life
Cows and pigs and goats, their future seemed bright
Until a storm hit the farm, they tried to withstand
But they got swept into a portal that formed on the land

Where will they end up?  No one really knows.
The whims of the universe, captured in the flows
Las Vegas lights, on the strip so bright?
Or staring down a dragon, basking in its might?

[instant switch]

Attention Attention!

This is not a test!

I Repeat ...



[instant switch]

Attention Attention!

This is not a test!

I Repeat ...


Nooooo Noooooo

Not a TEST.


[instrumental bridge]


[instrumental bridge]

[harsh break]

[suno's brain getting scrambled]

[drop of all drops]

[bring the bass]

[violent brass hit]



[Resonant male]
In the neon lights
I groove all night
Lost in the rhythm
Feeling so right

My body moves
My heart's on fire
Waiting for you
My deepest desire

[Resonant male]
The bass is thumping
The DJ's spinning
With every beat
My love is winning

But time keeps ticking
The night goes on
I've been dancing for eternity
Waiting for you to come along

[Resonant male]
On the dance floor of infinity
Where love and music intertwine endlessly
I'll keep dancing
Spinning around
Until the day you finally come and take me off the ground


[Resonant male]
On the dance floor of infinity
Where love and music intertwine endlessly
I'll keep dancing
Spinning around
Until the day you finally come and take me off the ground


Infinity Sooong!
It's gettin so Looong!
What could go Wrooong!

Infinity Song!

[interlude, clean emotion]
[instrumental main theme]