길과 진리, 생명

길과 진리, 생명

Symphonic Metal, Heroic, Epic, Cinematic, Orchestral


كلمات الاغنية

길과 진리, 생명

[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]
When I am lost and wandering, the Lord is my way
Even in the darkness, the Lord is my light
I leave everything to you and walk with the Lord

[Chorus 1]
My Lord, the way, the truth, and life
I leave everything in the hands of the Lord
I give my life for the glory of God

[Verse 2]
The Lord who gave me the peace that the world could not give
I fill my heart with fear and love
I will walk my path according to the will of the Lord

I won't be afraid even if a storm comes
With the Lord by my side, I find new strength.
I will live completely in the love of the Lord

[Chorus 1]
My Lord, the way, the truth, and life
I leave everything in the hands of the Lord
I give my life for the glory of God

[Chorus 1]
My Lord, the way, the truth, and life
I leave everything in the hands of the Lord
I give my life for the glory of God
