Hey World

Hey World

Pop Rock, single female voice, uplifting, encouraging, hands clapping


كلمات الاغنية

Hey World

(Verse 1)
In the wreckage of a love that's gone,
I've wandered lost, my spirit worn.
Echoes of a shattered dream,
Haunting shadows, what could have been.

Lost myself in endless night,
Wrapped in darkness, out of sight.
Questioning my worth, my place,
In this empty, lonely space.

But now I rise from the dust,
A phoenix from the ashes, I must.
Find the strength within my soul,
To reclaim what I've lost control.

Hey world, I'm coming for you,
With fire in my heart, a soul renewed.
Hey world, I'm breaking through,
From the depths of despair, I'll pursue.

(Verse 2)
Once bound by chains of doubt and fear,
Now I see my path is clear.
No longer shackled to the past,
I spread my wings, I'm free at last.

Through tears and trials, I've grown strong,
Ready to right the past's wrongs.
With every step, I reclaim my power,
Embracing each new day, this is my hour.

And now I stand tall and bold,
With a newfound fire, uncontrolled.
I'll paint my story, bold and bright,
A beacon of hope in the darkest night.

Hey world, I'm coming for you,
With fire in my heart, a soul renewed.
Hey world, I'm breaking through,
From the depths of despair, I'll pursue.

No more hiding in the shadows,
No more drowning in my sorrows.
I'll face the challenges ahead,
With courage, grace, and no regret.

Hey world, I'm coming for you,
With fire in my heart, a soul renewed.
Hey world, I'm breaking through,
From the depths of despair, I'll pursue.

Hey world, here I stand,
With open arms and outstretched hands.
Ready to embrace what's yet to be,
Hey world, watch as I set myself free.