MRAP Troubles

MRAP Troubles

Progressive Rock


كلمات الاغنية

MRAP Troubles

(Intro: Instrumental)
Underneath the Afghan sky, where stars whisper tales untold,
The MRAP team sets forth with hearts of courage bold,
Guitars strumming softly, echoing the desert's song,
As they embark on their journey, through the lands where they belong.

Beneath the Afghan sun, the MRAP rolls,
Through dust and strife, they heed the calls,
Gunfire erupts, the ambush unfolds,
In the heart of battle, their mettle's told.

Bullets fly, grenades explode,
In the chaos, they brave the road,
Through the smoke, their courage shows,
In the Afghan theater, where bravery flows.

(Guitar Solo)

Amidst the chaos, they stand tall,
United in purpose, they answer the call,
Each maneuver, each shot they take,
In the dance of combat, their resolve won't break.

(Guitar Solo)

In the aftermath, amidst the debris,
The MRAP team, they stand free,
Their valor sung in tales untold,
In the Afghan landscape, where legends unfold.

(Verse 2)
Through valleys deep, where shadows loom,
They press ahead, dispelling gloom,
Their spirits strong, their mission clear,
In the face of danger, they show no fear.

Beneath the stars, they march on,
Through the darkness, until dawn,
Their bond unbroken, their wills as one,
In the Afghan night, their journey's begun.

(Guitar Solo)

In the silence of the desert night,
They push forward, guided by light,
Each step they take, a testament,
To their unwavering commitment.

(Guitar Solo)

As the sun rises on a new day,
The MRAP team continues on their way,
Through the trials and the strife,
They'll navigate this Afghan life.