Big Granny Panties

My wife Jolene wears big granny panties
The fear of the unknown keeps me up at nights
Auto troubles on my mind, can't shake the feeling
Her secret's hiding in those oversized whites

Big granny panties, hiding her lies
I can't escape the fear that's in my eyes
Auto troubles and a wife I can't trust
I'm stuck in this cycle, my heart turning to dust

[Verse 2]
Jolene smiles, but her eyes tell a different story
Her big granny panties are a barrier to the truth
I try to ignore the whispers of doubt in my mind
But the fear of the unknown is taking its toll on my youth

Big granny panties, a symbol of my fear
Auto troubles and a marriage that's unclear
I long for the day when the truth comes to light
And I can finally break free from this fearful plight