Cargo Chaos: Emergency Run

Cargo Chaos: Emergency Run

Rap / Rock Ballad



Cargo Chaos: Emergency Run

(Verse 1)
In the ambulance, speeding through the night,
But the cargo's loose, nobody got it right.
A wheelchair spins, chaos fills the space,
Oxygen tank falls, a fatal chase.
(Verse 2)
The streets are dark, blue lights flashing bright,
Inside the vehicle, chaos takes flight.
The medic struggles, with pain and fear,
But the unsecured cargo, won't disappear.
An abrupt brake, a moment of dread,
Unexpected driving, fills us with dread.
Cargo unleashed, like a storm it roars,
The medic tumbles, as chaos pours.
The EKG monitor, the defibrillator,
Everything crashes down, situation gets scarier.
The ventilator, oxygen tank, a wheelchair in flight,
A fate sealed, a devastating sight.
Insufficient cargo securing, a perilous ride,
A medic injured, fighting with every stride.
Ventilator, oxygen tank, a wheelchair's flight,
Oh cargo chaos, what a plight.
(Verse 3)
Rescued from wreckage, but heavily hurt,
The medic lies there, torn apart and inert.
Calls fade away, hands grasping tight,
A fate sealed, a life in plight.
Consequences are dire, the lesson is clear,
Cargo securing, something we must revere.
For every medic, a vital decree,
Safety first, or else you'll see
The tale remains, a warning and song

Cargo securing, something we must revere.
For every medic, a vital decree,
Safety first, or else you'll see.

The tale remains, a warning and song,
Cargo securing, never forgotten, never gone.
For every medic, for every ride,
Safety stands first, that's our pride.