Kosmiczna gra

Kosmiczna gra




Kosmiczna gra

Navi drive activated. Now moving north.
Twenty-two debris clouds have been detected in the sector.
Twenty-six debris clouds have been detected in the sector.
Six debris clouds and two enemy starships have been detected in the sector.
Thirty-seven debris clouds and two shipwrecks have been detected in the sector.
Six debris clouds and two shipwrecks have been detected in the sector.
Thirty debris clouds have been detected in the sector.
Twenty-six debris clouds and two shipwrecks have been detected in the sector.
[INFO]: Cassy Anderson left the game.
Twenty-eight debris clouds and two shipwrecks have been detected in the sector.
Twenty-eight debris clouds have been detected in the sector.
Thirty-nine debris clouds have been detected in the sector.
Twenty-one debris clouds, a derelict starship, and a relic have been detected in the sector.
Navi aborted.
Sublight drive locking on a derelict starship...
You press some buttons on the starship probe console.
[Type the number of probes to launch. There are a total of 18 loaded into the launching bay, and you can launch a maximum of 6., cancel with '@abort' or 'A']
six starship probes have been deployed.
six starship probes have entered the derelict via the hole in its