Psalms 1: Unbreakable

Psalms 1: Unbreakable

Rap. Nu-metal. Alternative rock. Hard rock. Instrumental intro.



Psalms 1: Unbreakable

[Heavy guitar riffs and pounding double bass drums]

[Verse 1]
[Aggressive vocals with distorted guitar and bass]
Blessed is the one who walks the righteous path
Rejects the wicked, the sinners, and their wrath
Delighting in the law of the LORD divine
Meditating day and night, a life realigned

[Powerful vocals with full band and harsh screams]
Like a tree planted by the water streams
Yielding fruit in season, a life redeemed
Prospering in all they do, a faith unshakeable
The LORD's love and grace, forever unbreakable

[Verse 2]
[Intense vocals with heavy guitar riffs and pounding drums]
The wicked, they are not so, like chaff in the wind
Blown away, no foundation, their fate is grim
They will not stand in judgment, when the time arrives
Nor sinners in the assembly, where the righteous thrive

[Powerful vocals with full band and harsh screams]
Like a tree planted by the water streams
Yielding fruit in season, a life redeemed
Prospering in all they do, a faith unshakeable
The LORD's love and grace, forever unbreakable

[Melodic guitar solo with rhythmic chugging]

[Final Verse]
[Intense vocals with heavy instrumentation]
For the LORD watches over the righteous way
But the path of the wicked, it leads astray
Destruction awaits those who turn from the light
But the righteous will stand, in the LORD's might

[Guitar Solo 2]

[Heavy guitar riffs and pounding drums, fading out]

[Powerful vocals with full band and harsh screams]
Like a tree planted by the water streams
Yielding fruit in season, a life redeemed
Prospering in all they do, a faith unshakeable
The LORD's love and grace, forever unbreakable

[Fade Out]