Lost in Time

Lost in Time




Lost in Time

Late at night
Lost in the dark
Searching for the light
Seeking your heart
Time is slipping away
Can't you see?
You're the one I need
The one for me

Every second
Every breath
I'm falling deep
Into a love that's true
A love I can't keep
You're my everything
My heart's devotion
A love so strong
It's causing commotion

Time is running out
But I won't let go
You're the one I can't live without
This I know
In this crazy world
You're my saving grace
Lost in love with you
I'll find my place

[Verse 2]
I'm lost in time
Can't find my way
Every day's a blur
Night turns to day
I'm floating in space
No gravity here
I'm searching for something
To make it all clear

I'm racing against the clock
Ticking so loud
Every second counts
I'm trying to be proud
But time slips away
Like grains of sand
Lost in the hourglass
I need a helping hand

[verse 3]
Lost in time
Can you hear my plea?
I'm swimming in memories
Can't break free
Searching for answers in this endless maze
Lost in time
Trapped in a timeless phase

[Fade, end]

Late at night
Lost in the dark
Searching for the light
Seeking your heart
Time is slipping away
Can't you see?
You're the one I need
The one for me

Every second
Every breath
I'm falling deep
Into a love that's true
A love I can't keep
You're my everything
My heart's devotion
A love so strong
It's causing commotion

Time is running out
But I won't let go
You're the one I can't live without
This I know
In this crazy world
You're my saving grace
Lost in love with you
I'll find my place

[Verse 2]
I'm lost in time
Can't find my way
Every day's a blur
Night turns to day
I'm floating in space
No gravity here
I'm searching for something
To make it all clear

I'm racing against the clock
Ticking so loud
Every second counts
I'm trying to be proud
But time slips away
Like grains of sand
Lost in the hourglass
I need a helping hand

[verse 3]
Lost in time
Can you hear my plea?
I'm swimming in memories
Can't break free
Searching for answers in this endless maze
Lost in time
Trapped in a timeless phase

[Fade, end]

Lost in time
Can you hear my plea?
I'm swimming in memories
Can't break free
Searching for answers in this endless maze
Lost in time
Trapped in a timeless phase

Time is running out
But I won't let go
You're the one I can't live without
This I know
In this crazy world
You're my saving grace
Lost in love with you
I'll find my place

[Fade, end]
