The Fashion Pirate

The Fashion Pirate

Alternative Rock, mismatched complex electroswing pirate bassline, clear vocal and sound, 7/8



The Fashion Pirate

[Violin Intro]
[Verse 1]
Alone on the sea, a pirate's decree,
In a world of peace, yet a battle to see.
Unseen fights I engage, my course set free,
Towards mounds of trash, my destiny.

As waves break the silence, a warrior's call,
But few understand, my path enthralls.
In a world unaware, my struggles small,
Yet my journey, my own, stands tall.

[Contrasting Meter 3/5]
Though called a fashion pirate, a label unjust,
I am a true pirate, in battles robust.
On the sea, relentless, I earn my trust,
For true freedom, I fight, till dust to dust.

[Verse 2]
Trash in the waves, my foe unseen,
Against it, my battles, fierce and keen.
While others unaware, in peace serene,
I walk my path, as my own marine.

As the winds sing their song, I sail on high,
Endless sea, beneath the sky.
But my true fight lies, not in nigh,
But in battling trash, where I comply.

[Contrasting Meter 3/5][Chorus][Groovy]
Though called a fashion pirate, a label unjust,
I am a true pirate, in battles robust.
On the sea, relentless, I earn my trust,
For true freedom, I fight, till dust to dust.

Though called a fashion pirate, a label unjust,
I am a true pirate, in battles robust.
On the sea, relentless, I earn my trust,
For true freedom, I fight, till dust to dust.

My struggle continues, in waves unknown,
For a sea of garbage, I stand alone.
Yet my fight, my own, forever shown,
In the depths of the sea, where truth is honed.

Though called a fashion pirate, a label unjust,
I am a true pirate, in battles robust.
On the sea, relentless, I earn my trust,
For true freedom, I fight, till dust to dust.
[Back ground music][END]

My struggle continues, in waves unknown,
For a sea of garbage, I stand alone.
Yet my fight, my own, forever shown,
In the depths of the sea, where truth is honed.

Though called a fashion pirate, a label unjust,
I am a true pirate, in battles robust.
On the sea, relentless, I earn my trust,
For true freedom, I fight, till dust to dust.
[Back ground music][END]