Digest This Beat

Digest This Beat

funk electric groovy



Digest This Beat

Food goes in your mouth it chews so fine
Saliva breaks it down takes its time
Down the esophagus the journey starts
Stomach’s where the magic really sparks
[Verse 2]
Stomach churns mixes acids flow
Break it down smooth so enzymes go
Small intestine next where nutrients thrive
Absorbing all the good stuff to keep us alive
Digestive system workin round the clock
Breaking down food tick tock tick tock
Energy and power flowin through the veins
Keepin our bodies groovin makes the gains
[Verse 3]
Up the pancreas and liver helps the way
Producing bile and juices every day
Large intestine reclaims all the water
Forms the waste gets ready for the barter
From the colon to the rectum where it ends
Waste is out body ready to defend
Always movin always on the grind
Our digestive system one of a kind
Digestive system workin round the clock
Breaking down food tick tock tick tock
Energy and power flowin through the veins
Keepin our bodies groovin makes the gains