Radiation Ghosts

Radiation Ghosts

gritty rock 'n' roll rap electric



Radiation Ghosts

Lithuanian nights dark and still
Radiation ghosts haunt the hill
CBRN shadows they lurk in the breeze
Wear your masks fall to your knees
[Verse 2]
Chemical whispers in the wind
Soldiers battle can't let it in
Biological threats in the air
Small country big scare
Defend this land strong and true
CBRN warriors know what to do
Grit and fight all night long
Lithuania's shield keepin' us strong
[Verse 3]
Apocalypse dreams screamin' loud
Gas masks and hazmat shrouds
Silent killers unseen foes
CBRN guard nowhere else to go
[Verse 4]
Training hard under bloodred skies
Eyes of steel no disguise
Facing plagues and nuclear lies
Under the cloak of smoke we arise
Vent the toxins purify the land
CBRN take a last stand
Heart of stone hands of skill
Never surrender iron will