This Is My Story

This Is My Story

Nu-Metal, Rap, Strong Female Voice, Growl, Record Scratches



This Is My Story

[Verse 1]
Perfect faces on my screen
Smiling models, filtered dreams
a beauty war, it seems

[Rap Verse]
Waistlines cinched
airbrushed skin
captions with a happy grin
Suddenly I feel so small
trapped inside my bedroom walls

Is this what I'm supposed to be?
A size zero perfectly?
Long blonde hair and ocean eyes
a plastic doll in disguise

Freckles, curves, and messy hair
I'll wear my flaws without a care
This is my story, loud and clear
beauty comes from... right here

[Verse 2]
Insecurity that blooms inside
A constant battle I can't hide
Mirrored in the filtered lies

[Rap Verse]
Their validation
shallow expectation
Pulsating in my brain
Telling me I'm to blame
For a worth I can't attain

Freckles, curves, and messy hair
I'll wear my flaws without a care
This is my story, loud and clear
beauty comes from... right here

[Verse 3]
My heart on a string
Love's a fickle thing
A passing phase

To every girl who feels unseen, trapped in a beauty magazine
You are strong, you are bold, a story yet untold
Embrace your quirks, your laugh, your voice, let your true colors rejoice
Together we'll rise above the noise, empowered by our inner choice


Freckles, curves, and messy hair
I'll wear my flaws without a care
This is my story, loud and clear
beauty comes from... right here


[Electric Guitar solo]


Freckles, curves, and messy hair
I'll wear my flaws without a care
This is my story, loud and clear
beauty comes from... right here

Freckles, curves, and messy hair
I'll wear my flaws without a care
This is my story, loud and clear
beauty comes from... right here