

Rock / Electro Swing




You'll give all of your love to me until you die

(Love, bluh bluh bluh…)

Love and obsession, they blend into a big mess
You think you’re special? You took your shot and missed, yeah
“Oh, I’m sorry”- do you wanna hear that come out of me?
I don’t care, not my fault if you’re sad and lost, okay? ‘Kay? ‘Kay? ‘Kay?

Why, tell me why, did you hope or expect when you should shut it up?
When, from the start, I’ve been tellin’ you to give up, just please make it stop
Now, Miss “Pure-hearted”, go walk on to the exit over there
What’s this? No plans to walk away? I guess that’s fair

Hop, step- grrr… ONE MORE CHANCE!

Hey, why dont you shake your cotton tail?
Like humming a pop song that has failed, oh 
Jealousy doesn’t look good on you, honey
Thirsty for me? Ugh, stop being cringy

If you’re really lonely, be a bit unholy, baby just get lucky
(Baby just get lucky)
Hate it with my heart, but I love it all the same so,
You'll give all of your love to me until you die

Up with your ears, shake that tail made of cotton
Dance with what’s left as your heart’s getting rotten
Mask, cover up, ‘cause the love I’ve been fakin’
You’ll never catch, isn’t that disappointing?

If you’re really lonely, be a bit unholy