Final Circle - The Journey

Final Circle - The Journey

Heavy Metal, Power Metal



Final Circle - The Journey

Steel forged soul, a weathered map in hand
Left the burning embers of a forsaken land
Sun bleeds crimson on a cracked and barren ground
This endless highway, the only solace found

A thousand leagues we've crossed, a thousand more to go
Through scorching desert sands and mountains capped in snow
No rest for weary bones, no solace for the mind
This odyssey of hardship, a destiny we'll find

Vicious storms unleash their fury on our plight
Scars etched deep, a testament to the endless fight
Haunted by whispers of a forgotten dream
But the will to conquer burns, a defiant, fiery gleam

A thousand leagues we've crossed, a thousand more to go
Through scorching desert sands and mountains capped in snow
No rest for weary bones, no solace for the mind
This odyssey of hardship, a destiny we'll find

The weight of battles fought, the echoes of despair
Fueling the furnace deep within, a fire we'll always share
We are the storm, the iron will, the unrelenting tide
This path may break us down, but never turn us aside

A thousand leagues we've crossed, a thousand more to go
Through scorching desert sands and mountains capped in snow
No rest for weary bones, no solace for the mind
This odyssey of hardship, a destiny we'll find

[Epic Guitar Solo]


A thousand leagues we've crossed, a thousand more to go
Through scorching desert sands and mountains capped in snow
No rest for weary bones, no solace for the mind
This odyssey of hardship, a destiny we'll find

[Fade Out]