The fight against lies

The fight against lies

Indie Pop, Alternative Rock, Electropop, Folktronica, Indie Electronic



The fight against lies

(Verse 1)
On the gleaming stage, smiling faces yet hollow inside
Beautifully packaged lies, deceiving you with false promises
Superficially glamorous, internally rotten to the core
Weaving an illusory paradise with money and fame

The lies of the new era, deception everywhere
Enticing with sweet words, trapping you in the quagmire
Promises fragile as bubbles, fleeting and vanishing
Leaving behind scars and a broken heart

(Verse 2)
The internet filled with illusions, a perfect life through filters
False displays and comparisons, losing yourself in the unreal
Masking with false personas, concealing the emptiness within
Manipulating with insincere emotions, making you lose yourself

The lies of the new era, deception everywhere
Enticing with sweet words, trapping you in the quagmire
Promises fragile as bubbles, fleeting and vanishing
Leaving behind scars and a broken heart

Blinded by lies, unable to see the essence of truth
Attracted by false radiance, lost in the labyrinth of illusions
It's time to wake up, unveil the mask of lies
Resist the allure of falsehood with sincerity and kindness

The lies of the new era, deception everywhere
Enticing with sweet words, trapping you in the quagmire
Promises fragile as bubbles, fleeting and vanishing
Leaving behind scars and a broken heart

Let us illuminate the path ahead with love and hope
Resist the allure of falsehood with sincerity and kindness
Break the chains of lies with unwavering determination
Create a genuine and beautiful future

(Interactive Section)
Let us shout together, "Reject lies!"
Let us raise our fists in defiance against falsehood!
Let us sing the chorus of the song, letting the voices of sincerity and kindness resonate through the skies!