P Diddy in My Pepsi

P Diddy in My Pepsi

funky humorous



P Diddy in My Pepsi

I grabbed a can of Pepsi late last night
Opened it up and got a surprise
P Diddy popped out gave me quite a fright
Said hey there kid you wanna socialize
[Verse 2]
He started rapping right on my kitchen floor
Taylor Swift on the radio he couldn't ignore
We danced ‘round the room without a single care
Just me and Diddy like a musical affair
P Diddy in my Pepsi can
Waving his hands like he’s the man
Life’s a party wherever we stand
Crazy fun straight from a pop can band
[Verse 3]
Neighbors knocked they heard the beat
Joined us dancing moving their feet
P Diddy built us a groovy street
Our hearts synced up in the rhythm heat
P Diddy in my Pepsi can
Waving his hands like he’s the man
Life’s a party wherever we stand
Crazy fun straight from a pop can band
Morning came the fizz wore off slow
No one believed what they didn’t show
But in the light of the fridge’s glow
I saw his cap and knew you know