A new adventure

A new adventure

Country Dance



A new adventure

(Verse 1)
In the quiet of the night, a new chapter begins
A story yet untold, where happiness wins
Milly found a friend in her new dad's embrace
A smile on her face, a warmth she can't erase

A new family story waiting to be written
A bond so strong, never to be smitten
With love as the ink and laughter as the pen
Their adventure starts now, a tale without end

(Verse 2)
Through ups and downs, they'll walk hand in hand
Building memories together, like grains of sand
Her mum's eyes light up with joy so pure
As Milly's heart sings melodies that endure

A new family story waiting to be written
A bond so strong, never to be smitten
With love as the ink and laughter as the pen
Their adventure starts now, a tale without end

Through trials and triumphs, they'll stand side by side
Facing whatever comes with unwavering pride
For in each other, they've found solace and strength
A newfound family bound by love's length

A new family story waiting to be written
A bond so strong, never to be smitten
With love as the ink and laughter as the pen
Their adventure starts now, a tale without end

So let this song be a tribute to their brand-new start 
May their journey together fill ev