Hughi Bear's Forest Adventure

Hughi Bear's Forest Adventure

playful acoustic



Hughi Bear's Forest Adventure

Out in the forest where the tall trees grow
There's a bear named Hughi and he's ready to go
With a pack on his back and a smile on his face
He's off to explore every magical place
[Verse 2]
Hughi Bear dancing in the morning light
Through the whispering pines feeling just right
Skipping over streams and climbing on the rocks
Every step he takes he's clever as a fox
Hughi Bear Hughi Bear
Adventure everywhere
With the breeze in his fur
Feeling light as the air
[Verse 3]
Meeting all the critters as he wanders round
From the buzzing bees to the burrows underground
Every friend he makes in the forest so true
Sharing laughs and tales as the day is new
Hughi Bear Hughi Bear
Adventure everywhere
With the breeze in his fur
Feeling light as the air
[Verse 4]
Underneath the sky as the sun starts to set
Hughi Bear remembers the friends he has met
With his heart so full and his spirit aglow
He finds his way home through the twilight's glow