I just wanna be me

I just wanna be me

Emotional Dream Pop



I just wanna be me


Growing up, fearing for my life. 
Not knowing when time might end. Hiding from the truth, hiding from myself. 
Just wanting to know who the real me is.


Like a bird trying to fly, 
I too want to be free. 
Be free to be myself. 
Not having to hide, not having to run, I just want to be me.


Knowing I will have to hide, 

Having a mark on me,
Having to act a certain way,
Having to lie and tell myself I am not enough,
Every day.

[Chorus 2]
I run from the judgment of man,
I run from the glares of those I love.

I run from the shame it makes me feel...
Being who I am.

But now I understand,
I understand there is more to life,
I can be who I want to be,
And nobody can stop me