The Troubled Tummy

The Troubled Tummy

sea shanty comedic folk



The Troubled Tummy

Oh the sea was calm and still as night
My belly rumbled something tight
I squeezed my cheeks and held on fast
Needed to fart but it just won’t pass
[Verse 2]
The crew they laughed and poked my side
For all my efforts they would deride
I walked the deck in a desperate dance
But alas poor me no release by chance
Oh let it blow let it go
Let the windy gales of freedom show
For the sailor's plight is a heavy shame
When a fart is stuck and none can claim
[Verse 3]
The captain growled in his weathered tone
"Boy you’re gonna sink this ship alone"
I squirmed and groaned and tried to part
But the stubborn wind stayed in my heart
[Verse 4]
The seagulls circled and gave a squawk
As I tried to take a desperate walk
Up the mast and down to bow
But my belly ache did just endow
Oh let it blow let it go
Let the windy gales of freedom show
For the sailor's plight is a heavy shame
When a fart is stuck and none can claim