9 to 5 Hell

9 to 5 Hell




9 to 5 Hell

[Verse 1]
It's Sunday, the day of rest
But tomorrow's got me feeling stressed
The weekend flew by way too fast
Now Monday's here to kick my ass
Oh why, oh why does the weekend end?
48 hours of freedom, then it's back to the grind again
I'd rather stay in bed, than wake to my alarm
But the bills won't pay themselves, so I'll drag my sorry butt to the daily slog
[Verse 2]
Sunday night, I toss and turn
Dreading the week for which I yearn
To leave this prison they call my job
Where I'm just another corporate cog
Oh why, oh why does the weekend end?
48 hours of freedom, then it's back to the grind again
I count down the days, till my next escape
Praying for a lottery win, or at least a duvet day
Boss man says I should be grateful
For this daily 9 to 5 hell
Easy for him to say when he's sitting pretty
In his fancy corner office with a view
Oh why, oh why does the weekend end?
48 hours of freedom, then it's back to the daily grind again
No rest for the wicked, or the working stiff
The Monday blues are here, think I'll call in sick