The Cheese Thief

The Cheese Thief

Folk, sea shanty, irish jig, violin, hurdy gurdy, male voice, upbeat tone



The Cheese Thief

(Verse 1)
In Oakridge town where the river winds,
Stood a tavern known for its mirthful finds.
The Merry Mug with its laughter and cheer,
Was a place where dreams would often appear.

But amidst the chatter and the clinking of mugs,
Lived a little mouse, no bigger than a bug.
With fur as gray as the morning mist,
And eyes that sparkled with a thieving twist.

Oh, Whiskers the mouse, so daring and bold,
Dreamed of feasting on cheese, a treasure to behold.
In the heart of the tavern, under lock and key,
Lay the finest cheese, the legendary Oakridge Blue, you see.

(Verse 2)
With a flick of his whiskers and a twitch of his tail,
Whiskers sneaked past, swift as a gale.
Through the bustling crowd, he made his way,
To the pantry where the cheeses lay.

With nimble paws and sharp little teeth,
He gnawed and he gnawed with relentless belief.
Till the ropes fell away and the lock gave in,
And the crate revealed the cheese within.

But as he indulged in his stolen delight,
A shadow loomed in the flickering light.
The tavern keeper with a smile and a sigh,
Said, "Little thief, you've caught my eye."

(Verse 3)
With a chuckle and a pat, he lifted him high,
And carried him out 'neath the starlit sky.
"No need to steal, for you're always welcome here,
In The Merry Mug, where joy's always near."

Oh, Whiskers the mouse, no longer alone,
In The Merry Mug, he found a home.
For in sharing and laughter, true treasures reside,
In the heart of the tavern, where dreams never hide.