Stellar Odyssey

Stellar Odyssey

cosmic ambient spacial New Age



Stellar Odyssey

[Verse 1]
Beyond the confines of Aberdeen's haze,
The renegade and pilot chart their cosmic maze.
Through the depths of Stanton's starry sea,
They journey forth, boundless and free.

In the vast expanse where galaxies collide,
We soar through space, our spirits untied.
Amongst the stars, we find our solace bright,
In the cosmic dance of eternal light.

[drum fade in]

[Verse 2]
ArcCorp's gleaming towers fade from view,
As we traverse space, our dreams renew.
Past the boundaries of known domain,
We sail towards Yela, where asteroids reign.

In the silent void where wonders unfold,
We witness tales of the cosmos untold.
Through nebulas and supernovae's glow,
Our souls are lifted, our spirits aglow.

[bridge to drum]
[slow drum solo]

Amidst the constellations, we find our place,
[drum louder]
In the grand design of time and space.
Through wormholes and stargates, we transcend,
Our journey endless, our quest will never end.

In the vast expanse where galaxies collide,
We soar through space, our spirits untied.
Amongst the stars, we find our solace bright,
[Fade Out]
In the cosmic dance of eternal light.[End]