Succubus Lullaby

Succubus Lullaby

Dark Pop, rap



Succubus Lullaby

(Verse 1)
Sunrise bleeds through dusty blinds, another day, another sin,
The taste of ash and faded lies, a battle I can't seem to win.
Empty bottles on the floor, remnants of a twisted night,
Queen of Heartache, that's my crown, a crown of shadows, cold and tight.

My, my, my, the clock ticks slow, a waltz with shadows in the gloom,
My siren song, a haunting low, I lure them all into the tomb.
Lost souls they fall, like moths to flame, consumed by beauty's wicked guise,
Just broken mirrors, whispered names, a kingdom built on shattered lies.

(Verse 2)
Silk sheets tangle, memories cling, a bittersweet and hollow ache,
Their whispered promises still ring, a symphony of hearts I break.
No tears fall from these jaded eyes, just a hunger that won't be fed,
A twisted goddess in disguise, on shattered dreams, my throne is bred.

My, my, my, the clock ticks slow, a waltz with shadows in the gloom,
My siren song, a haunting low, I lure them all into the tomb.
Lost souls they fall, like moths to flame, consumed by beauty's wicked guise,
Just broken mirrors, whispered names, a kingdom built on shattered lies.

But in the silence, when it's cold, a flicker of doubt dares to creep,
Is this power worth the stories told? A hollow victory, wounds too deep?

My, my, my, the clock ticks slow, a waltz with shadows in the gloom,
My siren song, a haunting low, I lure them all into the tomb.
Lost souls they fall, like moths to flame, consumed by beauty's wicked guise,
But the mirror cracks, the truth I claim, a kingdom built on shattered lies.