City's Grey Sorrow

City's Grey Sorrow

LoFI City Funk, Melancholic, Female Voice



City's Grey Sorrow



[Verse 1]
Beneath the pale skies of a winter's night,  
Through streets that never sleep, walks lonely splendor’s sight.  
Lights flicker dimly as twilight draws near,  
Longing echoes in every breath we hear.  
Every corner a shadow, every shadow a tale,  
Of dreams forgotten, where hopes frail and pale.  
Streetlights cast ghosts on the walls they grace,  
In the heart of the city, lost souls find their place.

Echoes in alleys, hidden from the light,  
Tell tales of those left behind in the twilight.

City's grey sorrow, beneath the hidden moon's gleam,  
Where dreams fade like fog in a silent scream.  

Whispers of the wind through towering steel,  
Carry secrets only the night can reveal.

Footsteps echo on wet cobblestone,  
Each a story, each a journey, uniquely their own.  
The chill of the air wraps its cold embrace,  
Faces pass by, each an unseen face.  
Rain drizzles softly, blurring neon lights,  
Pavements glisten under the urban nights.  
Taxis honk past, their cries lost in the rain,  
In the city's heart, joy is tinged with pain.

City's grey sorrow, beneath the hidden moon's gleam,  
Where dreams fade like fog in a silent scream.


City's grey sorrow, beneath the hidden moon's gleam,  
Where dreams fade like fog in a silent scream.
City's grey sorrow, beneath the hidden moon's gleam,  
Where dreams fade like fog in a silent scream.

[E-Guitar Break]

City's grey sorrow, beneath the hidden moon's gleam,  
Where dreams fade like fog in a silent scream.
City's grey sorrow, beneath the hidden moon's gleam,  
Where dreams fade like fog in a silent scream.

In the vast expanse of the urban sea,  
Lies the heart of the city, beating quietly.
