We Will Rise and Fight For Love

We Will Rise and Fight For Love

Heavy Rock, Power Metal Ballad , Distortion Guitars, Powerful Lead Singing, Love Metal, Hero Rock Power Metal



We Will Rise and Fight For Love

[Verse 1]
I've Always Been the Fighter.... Against The Dark
All Mighty Heroes have Lost their Strenght
I Need The Power.... The Power of your Love...
I'm The Fighter of Love... Until The Morning Light

[Verse 2]
I've Always Been the Fighter... For Pure Love
The Mighty Kings All have Lost their Game....
I Need The Power... The Power of your Love...
I'll Fight Against The Dark... Until The Morning Light

Yeaa Yeaa Yeeeeaahhh We Will Rise Öeigeiinnhh
From The Darkest bloody Night...
You Give Me Shield My Sword My Faith.....
We Will Win, We Will Rise, We will Fight....
For Live For Love For Light
Against The Evil Mark...
Against The Darkk aahhh jeieeeiieeaahhh
Ööögeiiinsthh thiii Daaaarkaaiiieeeiihhhhh

My Love Will Rise Again !

We Will Rock Again! Yeah....

My Love Will Rise Again !

We Will Rock Again ! Yeaaa... Jeiieeiieehh...

Yeah... Yeaahh...

My Love Will Rise Again !

We Will Rock Again ! Yeaaa... Jeiieeiieehh...

Let My sixstring Scream again...
Let My sixstring Scream again...

Let My sixstring Scream again...

Yeah... Yeaahh...