dance of sound

dance of sound

Gamma pulsing at frequencies of around 30 to 100 Hz. Jazz



dance of sound

In the depths of the mind, where echoes intertwine,
A dance of light and shadow, a journey undefined.
Through realms unseen, where truths softly speak,
In the whispers of the soul, our destinies we seek.
Beyond the veil of illusion, where time dissolves away,
We find our essence shimmering, in the cosmic display.
Essence guides our way, through the mysteries untold,
In the dance of creation, our stories unfold.
In the silence of the void, where dreams take flight,
We are boundless, infinite, in the eternal night.
With each breath, a universe, expanding without end,
In the heart of the cosmos, we are all one, my friend.

[fade out]

In the silence of the void, where dreams take flight,
We are boundless, infinite, in the eternal night.
With each breath, a universe, expanding without end,
In the heart of the cosmos, we are all one, my friend.

[fade out]