Embrace the Day

Embrace the Day

Hyped Pop



Embrace the Day

Get up and make a difference the world is calling you! 

It is time for you to cast off the clouds and rise in victory.

You have all you need to make it through the day mercy and love will follow your path; it is not algebraic math life is a mystery you will never solve.   

Embrace the day! 

It is your day to shine it is your day to rise! No more excuses you are the fuse to change the world. 

Get up and make a difference the world is calling you! 

Get up and make a difference the world is calling you! 

It is time for you to cast off the clouds and rise in victory.

You have all you need to make it through the day mercy and love will follow your path; it is not algebraic math life is a mystery you will never solve.   

Embrace the day! 

It is your day to shine it is your day to rise! No more excuses you are the fuse to change the world. 

Get up and make a difference the world is calling you!