Dance on the Pyre

Dance on the Pyre

irish marching



Dance on the Pyre

In green hills where the fiddles sing
We'll dance around with a fiery swing
Till our shoes are blazing bright
On this unforgettable night
[Verse 2]
With bagpipes and drums we'll march
Through twilight under an amber arch
The day a new dawn finally broke
With joy and laughter we invoke
Dance till our shoes are on fire
On this day we'll never tire
When history's pages catch the flames
We'll sing out loud no more shame
[Verse 3]
The old man with a golden tower
Shall find his fate in this late hour
With every step on this wild land
Our spirits high as we make our stand
We'll stomp and twirl in ways untamed
For freedom won and promises claimed
Beneath the stars and moonlight pure
We'll crash the night and light the cure
Dance till our shoes are on fire
On this day we'll never tire
When history's pages catch the flames
We'll sing out loud no more shame