Sister Cant You See

Sister Cant You See




Sister Cant You See

[Verse 1]
Sittin' at the kitchen table, books spread all around
I'm cramming for my math test, my notes in a mound
My good sister Sally, never skips a day of school
With her highlighters and textbooks, she plays it real cool

Sister, can't you see?
Life ain't all fun and games, won't you join me?
One sister's hitting the books, the other's roaming free
Oh, sister, can't you see?

[Verse 2]
Meanwhile, my bad sister, likes to wander outside
Chasing after sunsets, with a heart full of pride
Skipping class and homework, she's a rebel wild and free
While I'm stuck inside studying, she's living carelessly

Sister, can't you see?
Life ain't all fun and games, won't you join me?
One sister's hitting the books, the other's roaming free
Oh, sister, can't you see?

I remember Mama's words, echoed in my head
"Education's the key, make your future ahead"
I try to be the good one, but I envy her glee
Wish she'd see the value in studying like me

Sister, can't you see?
Life ain't all fun and games, won't you join me?
One sister's hitting the books, the other's roaming free
Oh, sister, can't you see?

As the years go by, we both take different paths
One with a diploma, one with broken math
But in the end, I'll always love my sister dear
Even if studying and school is what sets us clear