Muay Thai Song
Muay Thai Song
Muay Thai our way of life, a path we chose. Win big or not at all, it has always been there, throughout it all. In the Ring and Cage and out. Helping us conquer our fears, gave conference, and helped with this fight, this bout we call life. Wrap your Fists, lace your gloves, bite down on your mouthpiece. Preform the Wai Kru and Ram Muay, bless 4 corners and seal the ring, as you you check the flooring and ropes. Move forward, tap, tap, tap, teep. Punches, Elbows and Knees. Feel them out in the first round, balance, movement and fluidity, rookie mistakes, fight intelligent's, ego and stupidity. Bow three times, one for your God, one for your Parents and one for your Country. Monks Bless Mongols, corner men tie prajiets, stadium fights, payperviews, the world pays to see it. Belts, dreams, blood, sweat and tears, sacrifices made, plane tickets to Thailand Paid. Changing lives along the way. Muay Thai and Me, until my dying day. Sain Dae, Muay Thai Academy. Ajarn Casey, and Ajarn Ray pass on to you, the knowledge taught to them, from Master Toddy and Ajarn Chai. Wai!! come with respect or not at all. Together we rise or alone you fall. Countless hours holding Thai Pads, and giving knowledge, from your first fight, across this country and over sees, Trickster Warriors and Synergy. Start and End with Respect, bone to bone Muay Thai. Years and countless dollars spent, to the Grand Masters, Prim Ajarns we owe it all and our Loyalty. Win big or not at all, it has always been there.