Death of Morning

Death of Morning

Acoustic folk rock, male voice, minor key, dark, sombre



Death of Morning

Oh morning, fair and fleeting
With your rosy hues and gentle mist
Your departure now, so defeating
Leaves the world in a state of tryst
The sun, once bright and bold
Now fades into the endless night
The birds, their songs now cold
No longer fill the air with delight
The flowers, once in full bloom
Now wilt and wither away
As the darkness consumes
The remains of your graceful display
The trees, their leaves now falling
Whispering of your untimely end
The world, in mourning
For the death of its dearest friend
The sky, once painted in pastel
Now turns to shades of black
As the morning's final farewell
Leaves a void that nothing can fill back
Oh morning, how we mourn
The loss of your gentle touch
For in your death, we are torn
And left with a feeling of such
But fear not, dear morning
For though you may be gone
Your memory, forever adorning
The world, with a beauty that lives on
So let us bid you farewell
With a heavy heart and tearful eye
As the night takes its spell
And the death of morning, we cannot deny