





Manu was just a girl
With dreams and hopes in my heart
But one day his life was cut short
From a cruel and honorless gesture
At sixteen they took everything away from her
Without pity or compassion
And his family has been crying for thirty years
Waiting for justice that is slow to arrive
Manu was a flower that could not bloom
And now it's just a painful memory to carry
His assassination was a betrayal
And every day that passes is torment
But we will not give up, we will not give up
Because Manu deserves justice
And we will continue to fight
Until we see the guilty pay
It doesn't matter how much time passes
The truth will come out eventually
And the pain of our family
He will be relieved by divine justice
Manu, we will never forget you
Your memory will live on
And in this fight for the truth
You will always be there to guide and protect us.