Banana Tree热血版

Banana Tree热血版

Chinese Folk, Death Metal, Choral Music,Impassioned,Epic,Rock



Banana Tree热血版

我想要种一棵香蕉树 (I want to plant a banana tree)
上面挂满我的所有祝福 (With all my blessings hanging from it)
如果你感觉生活苦 (If you feel life is bitter)
带你去海边看日出 (I'll take you to the beach to watch the sunrise)

大香蕉一条大香蕉 (A big banana, a big banana)
你的感觉真的很奇妙 (Your feeling is truly amazing)
飘呀飘摇啊摇 (Floating and swaying)
你的感觉神魂跌倒 (Your feeling knocks me off my feet)

没有什么会放不下 (There's nothing you can't let go of)
心打开天不会黑 (When your heart is open, the sky won't be dark)
如果你感觉快乐了 (If you feel happy)
把阴霾全部给我擦擦擦 (Wipe away all the gloom for me)

我想要种一棵香蕉树 (I want to plant a banana tree)
上面挂满我的所有祝福 (With all my blessings hanging from it)
如果你感觉生活苦 (If you feel life is bitter)
带你去海边看日出 (I'll take you to the beach to watch the sunrise)

大香蕉一条大香蕉 (A big banana, a big banana)
你的感觉真的很奇妙 (Your feeling is truly amazing)
飘呀飘摇啊摇 (Floating and swaying)
你的感觉神魂跌倒 (Your feeling knocks me off my feet)

没有什么会放不下 (There's nothing you can't let go of)
心打开天不会黑 (When your heart is open, the sky won't be dark)
如果你感觉快乐了 (If you feel happy)
把阴霾全部给我擦擦擦 (Wipe away all the gloom for me)