Technical Death Metal



This moment with you
Fleeting paralysis
Complete surrender
Into your arms
Through light you led me
To the dark once more
A frivolous round trip
We held so tightly
As to crush it all
Shattered notions of love
Words said for their own sake
They pollute the path we walked
And into the night I now tread
Without your guiding kiss
No warm and reassuring touch
Only the sharp and frigid cobble
The matter-of-fact earth beneath
Do I now know and love
It asks for nought yet still lay
Immemorial provider
For each cut it gifts my skin
Every bruise I now cherish
I shall rejoice in the present
Knowing I can no longer be alone
The earth my unwaivering support

This moment with you
Fleeting paralysis
Complete surrender
Into your arms
Through light you led
To the dark once more
A frivolous round trip
We held so tightly
As to crush it all
Shattered notions of love
Words said for their own sake
They pollute the path we walked