Love versus fate

Love versus fate

Pop with a Celtic touch



Love versus fate

(Verse 1)
The stars, they whisper of a love untold
A tapestry of dreams, in silver and in gold
But fate, it seems, has other plans in store
A twist of paths, a slamming of the door
We met beneath a sky of endless blue
Two souls entwined, a love so pure and true
Ignoring every doubt, every whispered fear
We clung to hope, held each other near
But destiny's a river, wild and hard to tame
It pulls us in its current, plays its wicked game
And though it tries to tear us, sets our hearts adrift
Our love's a burning ember, fate can't quite extinguish
(Verse 2)
The road ahead is long, and shadows start to rise
Uncertainty, a question in our eyes
We face the unknown, hand in hand, we stand
Defying every obstacle, a love that understands
The whispers turn to roars, of storms we must endure
But in each other's arms, our love is ever sure
Through every twist and turn, our bond will never