Together we win

Together we win

Pop rock energetic



Together we win

We came in like a rising star
With dreams that reach so far
Young hearts that dare to strive
We'll conquer and come alive

Young victors, we stand tall
Together, we'll never fall
Our voices loud, our spirits strong
In unity, we all belong

We can win, we have the power
To face challenges, any hour
Through hard work and dedication
We'll reach our destination

With hope as our guiding light
We'll soar to incredible height
Young people can achieve
With courage, we believe

Young victors, we'll overcome
The battles fought, the wars won
No obstacle can block our way
We'll rise up, seize the day

We can win, we have the might
To shine bright, to take flight
Young people, let's unite
In our victory, we find delight

Young victors, we'll pave the trail
With determination that cannot fail
Together, we'll forge ahead
Young people, we'll be led

We can win, we have the strength
To go the distance, at any length
Young hearts filled with fire
We'll reach higher and higher

Young victors, let's stand tall
In unity, we'll never fall
With power in our hands
We'll conquer all lands