Whispered Desires

Whispered Desires

Post-Hardcore, Alternative rock, Rap rock, Electronic



Whispered Desires

Heart pounding
Thoughts racing
She's got that smile
So breathtaking
Every time she passes by
My knees start shaking
But I'm too scared
My feelings forsaking

[Verse 2]
I watch her from afar
A secret admirer
Dreaming of the day
My heart's set on fire
I wonder if she knows
If she can see
The way she makes me feel
How she captivates me

Whispered desires
Hidden in my soul
But I'm afraid to confess
To let it all unfold
These worries
They consume me
Night and day
But I'm too scared to speak
Too scared to say

Heart beats like a drum
You're the one
Butterflies in my stomach
It's hard to even function
Every time I see you
My mind starts racing
But I'm too afraid to tell you
Scared of what you'll be saying

I dream about us walking
Side by side
Holding hands and laughing
Love soaring high
But the fear inside me keeps holding me back
Worried I'll lose you
And everything we had

[Verse 2]
I stay up at night
Thoughts running wild
Wishing I could find the courage
Just to see your smile
I rehearse every word
Every line in my head
But when I'm standing next to you
My mind's filled with dread

Whispered desires
Hidden in my soul
But I'm afraid to confess
To let it all unfold
These worries
They consume me
Night and day
But I'm too scared to speak
Too scared to say

Heart pounding
Mind racing
I don't know what to say
You got me feeling some kinda way
Every single day
But I'm afraid to open up
Scared to show what's inside
These hidden feelings gotta find a way to collide

I see you smile
My world lights up
You make it all worth it
But when it comes to speaking up
My voice just keeps deserting
I'm haunted by the what-ifs
Plagued by the unknown
These worried thoughts
They never leave me alone

I count the moments
Each one slipping through my hands
Wishing I could summon the courage to take a chance
But what if you don't feel the same
What if I'm just another face?
I'm stuck in this limbo
Trapped in this endless chase
