

Indie Rock




[Verse 1]
In this room where shadows dance on walls,
The silence louder than any call.
I trace the outlines where the light once fell,
Now just empty space, a hollow shell.

[Verse 2]
Streets echo with the steps of the alone,
Passing faces, distant, unknown.
Each carrying stories untold, unseen,
In the midst of the crowd, I stand serene.

I’m just a ghost in this bustling town,
Wearing solitude like a crown.
Through the noise, I walk unseen,
Alone in the crowd, a forgotten dream.

[Verse 3]
Coffee shops and park benches speak,
Of quiet moments, of the peace I seek.
Whispers in the wind, the rustling leaves,
The only company my heart receives.

The city breathes, a living beast,
Among these giants, I’m the least.
Yet in this solitude, I find my tune,
Underneath the lonely silver moon.

So here I am, and here I’ll be,
In this solitude, I’m strangely free.
An island in the stream of life,
Finding strength within my strife.

[Verse 4]
Nights stretch endless, casting shades of blue,
Stars peek through the cracks, their light subdued.
Whispering secrets to the midnight air,
Finding solace in the quiet despair.

I’m just a ghost in this bustling town,
Wearing solitude like a crown.
Through the noise, I walk unseen,
Alone in the crowd, a forgotten dream.

[Verse 5]
Reflections stare back from rain-soaked streets,
Mirroring tales of the souls they meet.
Lost in thought, I wander far,
Guided only by a distant star.

In this silence, I converse with dreams,
Mingling with the echoes of my screams.
Lonely heart, yet among the throngs,
I compose my silent songs.

Alone, not lonely, in this vast expanse,
In every shadow, I invite the dance.
Through the solitude, through the night,
In my loneliness, I find my light.

In this silence, I converse with dreams,
Mingling with the echoes of my screams.
Lonely heart, yet among the throngs,
I compose my silent songs.

Alone, not lonely, in this vast expanse,
In every shadow, I invite the dance.
Through the solitude, through the night,
In my loneliness, I find my light.