Bury Me With Brian

Bury Me With Brian




Bury Me With Brian

Verse 1:
In the dim glow of twilight, with a glass raised high, 
I reminisce on love's bygone sigh. 
Mary Lou, my heart, we wed in bliss, 
She wanted a puppy, brought Brian into this. 

Bury me with Brian, through every twist and bend, 
My faithful dog friend, loyal to the end. 
Mary Lou betrayed, left with all I had, 
But Brian stayed beside me, through good and bad.

Verse 2:
Brian, a beacon of joy in our shared home,
When Mary Lou's love began to roam.
She chased another, leaving us behind,
In Brian's eyes, solace I'd find.

Bury me with Brian, he's all I now claim,
In the wreckage of love, he remains the same.
A bond unbroken, in the pouring rain,
With Brian, my heartache wanes.

Verse 3:
The morning light creeps, with Brian's gentle nuzzle,
He stood by me, through every puzzle.
"Bury me with Brian," where the rivers flow,
In his loyalty, my heart found a glow.

Verse 3:
The morning light creeps, with Brian's gentle nuzzle,
He stood by me, through every puzzle.
"Bury me with Brian," where the rivers flow,
In his loyalty, my heart found a glow.

Now Brian's journey has come to an end,
Left me alone, my heart to mend.
In the quiet of the night, I feel his absence deep,
In the memories we shared, his love I keep.

Final Chorus:
Bury me with Brian, under the starlit sky,
He's crossed the rainbow bridge, and I'm left to sigh.
Waiting for the day, when we reunite,
In fields beyond, in eternal light.

So here's my final wish, when my time draws near,
To join my faithful Brian, whom I hold so dear.
"Bury me with Brian," let our spirits soar,
Together forever, on that distant shore.

Final Chorus:
Bury me with Brian, under the starlit sky,
He's crossed the rainbow bridge, and I'm left to sigh.
Waiting for the day, when we reunite,
In fields beyond, in eternal light.

So here's my final wish, when my time draws near,
To join my faithful Brian, whom I hold so dear.
"Bury me with Brian," let our spirits soar,
Together forever, on that distant shore.
