Three-Body Problem

Three-Body Problem

Epic Symphonic Metal, Synthwave, female angel dark voice, mysterious, futuristic drama drums, improv solo, anticipation



Three-Body Problem

In the labyrinth of chaos
Where minds collide
Lost in a maze of pride and prejudice, We reside
See-through souls reaching for a distant light
Weaving tales like Little Red Riding Hood- In the night

[Verse 2]
The gears of fate
Gripped by gravity's might
Caught between the weak and the strong
Seeking respite
In this vast universe
Who holds the key?
As doubts and uncertainties cloud our reality

在这无垠的星空下 我们与他们相望
电波的交错与纠葛 演绎着野蛮与文明的回响

Beneath the starry canopy
We ponder and reflect
Radio waves intersect
Civilization and neglect
The energy of the unknown
Reverberates in the air
Challenging the unfair
Unraveling riddles with care


Beneath the starry canopy
We ponder and reflect
Radio waves intersect
Civilization and neglect
The energy of the unknown
Reverberates in the air
Challenging the unfair
Unraveling riddles with care

[dramatic interlude]

In the labyrinth of chaos
Where minds collide
Lost in a maze of pride and prejudice, We reside
See-through souls reaching for a distant light
Weaving tales like Little Red Riding Hood- In the night- ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ai

[Verse 2]
在这无尽的宇宙 谁能掌握世界的真相
黑暗森林的法则 将我们推向彷徨

在这无垠的星空下 我们与他们相望
电波的交错与纠葛 演绎着野蛮与文明的回响


[power solo]


[Verse 2]
在这无尽的宇宙 谁能掌握世界的真相
黑暗森林的法则 将我们推向彷徨

在这无垠的星空下 我们与他们相望
电波的交错与纠葛 演绎着野蛮与文明的回响

The gears of fate
Gripped by gravity's might
Caught between the weak and the strong
Seeking respite
In this vast universe
Who holds the key?
As doubts and uncertainties cloud our reality
[Chorus 2x]

[fade out and end]

在这无垠的星空下 我们与他们相望
电波的交错与纠葛 演绎着野蛮与文明的回响

[fade out and epic end]