Neon Crusaders

Neon Crusaders

fast riffs, Heroic, catchy refrains, sci-fi setting Speed Metal .cyberpunk



Neon Crusaders

[Instrumental Intro]

[Verse 1]
In a world of neon lights, where darkness reigns the night,
Warriors of metal rise, their power shining bright,
They don their suits of steel, fueled by a cybernetic drive,
They fight for justice, as they scream into the sky,

Metallic warriors, hear our mighty call,
Unite the thunder, as we conquer all,
We won't surrender, we'll never back down,
Together we stand, in this metal town,

[Verse 2]
Through the chaos and the storm, they soar on fiery wings,
Their guitars are their weapons, slashing through the mean,
With lightning speed they strike, unleashing hellish fury,
Metallic warriors, the heroes of the story,

Neon Crusaders, relentless and bold (oh-oh-oh-oh),
Fighting for justice, in a world so cold (so cooooold),
Raging through the night, their power untamed (oh-oh-oh-oh),
In this cyberpunk nightmare, they're the ones to be named (the ones to be named)

Beneath the surface, where darkness reigns,
I discover the strength to break these chains.
In solitude's embrace, I find my way,
Through the chaos and noise, I come to stay.

Metallic warriors, hear our mighty call,
Unite the thunder, as we conquer all,
We won't surrender, we'll never back down,
Together we stand, in this metal town,
