Cell Phone Dream (Trip Hop) - JoshicShin

Cell Phone Dream (Trip Hop) - JoshicShin

Kentucky accent male speaking, audio sampling, Trip hop, hip hop. Electronica song with spoken audio samples.



Cell Phone Dream (Trip Hop) - JoshicShin

[Spoken Male]
In my dream, I beheld a device, no larger than a wallet, yet it possessed the power to access the sum of human knowledge, communicate instantaneously across the globe, and even capture the very essence of our reality in moving images and sound. 

[Build Up]

[Spoken Male]
This... 'smartphone,' as it seemed to be known, was as magical to me as a wand to a sorcerer, a device so potent yet so enigmatic, its workings as elusive to me as the mechanisms of the universe itself. 

[Break it down]

[Spoken Male]
Imagine, a library, a concert hall, a canvas, all encapsulated in a slab of glass and metal, defying the very boundaries of space, time, and human interaction. 


[Spoken Male]
Truly, what I witnessed was nothing short of sorcery, a testament to human ingenuity and perhaps a glimpse into what might be our own odyssey into the realms of science fiction.
