Hanging from a Lighthouse

Hanging from a Lighthouse

Power Metal, catchy, maniacal, menacing



Hanging from a Lighthouse

[Lyrics by @Zaraphira]

[Intro guitar]

[Verse 1]
Oh this is particular
I see something is astir
Outside my window
There is such a view
Fifteen foot waves,
People in a canoe 
My walls just caved in
Water clouding my vision

When I woke up
I was stuck

I'm hanging from a lighthouse 
I look just like a white mouse
The tsunami waves took me hear
At least I have a view so clear
I'm hanging from a lighthouse

[Verse 2]
The flooded streets, the houses ruined
I see it all in the light of the moon
It is a marvelous spectacle to see
Will anyone come to rescue to me

I see it all in the light of the moon
It is a marvelous spectacle to see
Will anyone come to rescue me?

The lighthouse light, is really bright
And its causing me to lose my sight
My luck really isn't fair
I'm soaked right through my underwear

Help... me.... please

I'm hanging from a lighthouse 
I look just like a white mouse
The tsunami waves took me hear
At least I have a view so clear
I'm hanging from a lighthouse

[Build up]
Can somebody please come help me
The town hasnt even been flooded for like two days
I see you all down there
I know you can hear me

[Guitar solo]

I see you all down there!
I know you can hear me!

[Guitar solo]

I'm hanging from a lighthouse 
I look just like a white mouse
The tsunami waves took me hear
At least I have a view so clear
I'm hanging from a lighthouse

I see you all down there...
I know you can hear me....