Duality of Minion

Duality of Minion

Apocalyptic Folk, wasteland imagery, desperation and sacrifice, twisted morality, hope amidst the darkness



Duality of Minion

Spawn of Fury, a spell of might,
A gamble for power, a desperate fight.
You choose a friend, a warrior so bold,
But a price they must pay, a story untold.

Stunned and weakened, their sacrifice made,
A twisted reflection, from darkness displayed.
A copy emerges, a furious spawn,
To fight by your side, till victory's dawn.

The cost of this magic, a terrible toll,
Half their strength stolen, their spirit grown cold.
But the new warrior, fueled by rage and might,
Will crush your opponent, in a fearsome fight.

Stunned and weakened, their sacrifice made,
A twisted reflection, from darkness displayed.
A copy emerges, a furious spawn,
To fight by your side, till victory's dawn.

A gamble you take, on the battlefield's ground,
Will the copied fury, the foe overcome?
Or will weakness prevail, a double-edged plight,
Spawn of Fury's power, burning ever so bright?

Stunned and weakened, their sacrifice made,
A twisted reflection, from darkness displayed.
A copy emerges, a furious spawn,
To fight by your side, till victory's dawn.

(Verse 3)
The world crumbles down, a wasteland of scars,
Few allies remain, beneath broken stars.
Hope dwindles fast, resources run thin,
Spawn of Fury whispers, a tempting sin.

Stunned and weakened, on wastelands they stand,
A twisted reflection, from a ravaged land.
A spawn of this fury, with rage in its eyes,
To fight for survival, beneath poisoned skies.

Torn by the choice, a burden so vast,
To sacrifice one, to conquer at last.
The spell takes its hold, a flash and a groan,
A warrior weakened, a twisted clone.

(Verse 4)
But fury burns bright, in the spawn's cold heart,
A twisted reflection, torn worlds apart.
It charges the foe, with vengeance untold,
A desperate gamble, a future to behold.

Torn by the choice, a burden so vast,
To sacrifice one, to conquer at last.
The spell takes its hold, a flash and a groan,
A warrior weakened, a twisted clone.

(Verse 4)
But fury burns bright, in the spawn's cold heart,
A twisted reflection, torn worlds apart.
It charges the foe, with vengeance untold,
A desperate gamble, a future to behold.

Stunned and weakened, on wastelands they stand,
A twisted reflection, from a ravaged land.
A spawn of this fury, with rage in its eyes,
To fight for survival, beneath poisoned skies.

Victory's roar, or a deafening fall,
The gamble is cast, for one and for all.
Spawn of Fury's power, a double-edged blade,
In the wasteland's embrace, a desperate parade.

Will they rise from the ashes, or crumble to dust?
The spell's power echoes, a haunting distrust.
But hope flickers still, in a warrior's heart,
A fight for tomorrow, a desperate start.

Victory's roar, or a deafening fall,
The gamble is cast, for one and for all.
Spawn of Fury's power, a double-edged blade,
In the wasteland's embrace, a desperate parade.

Will they rise from the ashes, or crumble to dust?
The spell's power echoes, a haunting distrust.
But hope flickers still, in a warrior's heart,
A fight for tomorrow, a desperate start.