Keeper of the Truth

Keeper of the Truth

Jamaican slang, Hip-hop, Gangsta rap, Steelpan Reggae beat, Marimba, Clackers



Keeper of the Truth

Lost in the depths of time
We search for the light
In the darkness we find solace
We keep our might
Our words like poetry
They speak the truth
The melody flows
A symphony of youth

[Verse 2]
In the stillness of the night
We hear the call
Whispers of secrets
We stand tall
The rhythm pulses through our veins
We won't be tamed
Our voices harmonize
Refusing to be named

We are the keepers of the truth
Guiding the way
In our atmosphere
Where melodies sway
Deep in our souls
Our chorus takes flight
We sing the symphony
Embracing the night

In the darkest of nights
I search deep within
For the answers that hide
Under my skin
I'm the keeper of truth
The light in the night
I won't give up the fight
I'll make it alright

[Verse 2]
I walk through the fire
My spirit unbroken
With every step I take
My courage is spoken
In a world full of lies
I am the antidote
I'll stand up for what's right
I won't let it go

I'm the keeper of the truth
The guardian of light
I'll shine through the darkness
With all of my might
I won't be silenced
My voice will be heard
I am the fire
Spreading wings like a bird

[Outro chorus ending]