Tagresden Tuch'lush

Tagresden Tuch'lush

[male singer], eldritch, mysterious, energetic, Dark Rock, with an organ and e-guitar



Tagresden Tuch'lush

[Fade in Start] 

In shadows deep, where darkness reigns, 
A tale unfolds, of eerie strains.
Born beneath the gloom of the Shadowfell, Tagresden walked where the shadows swell.

[Verse] [energetic]
With sapphir' eyes, a haunting light, 
He ventured forth into the night.
Amidst the dark, his fate has seized, 
And whispered echos, the mind diseased.

[Refrain] [powerfull]
In shadows deep, where darkness reigns, 
A journey starts, of eerie strains.
Where stars above, paint endless skies, 
There is a Void, that whispers lies. 

[Verse 2] [melancholy]
In a haunting dream, his soul was sealed, 
By a cosmic force, his fate revealed.
A pact was forged, beneath moonlit skies, 
And thus began, his darkened guise.

[Refrain] [powerfull] 
In shadows deep, where darkness reigns, 
A journey starts, of eerie strains.
Where stars above, paint endless skies, 
There is a Void, that whispers lies. 

[Verse 3] [energetic]
He dance his shadow, through moon and star, 
With eldritch powers, from realms afar.
Through vast trials, he journeyed far, 
As lone wanderer from star to star.

[Instrumental Solo] 

As lone wanderer from star to star

[Instrumental Solo] 

[Verse 4] [energetic]
He charted paths where darkness lies, 
Through astral seas and the midnight skies.
He mapped the void with utmost care, 
With quill in hand and parchment bare.

[Refrain] [energetic] 
In shadows deep, where darkness reigns,
A journey starts, of eerie strains.
Where stars above, paint endless skies,
There is a Void, that whispers lies. 

[Pre-Outro] [melancholy]
In realms of darkness, his path unwind, 
He guides the way, where despair will us blind.
With every step, his hope unearth, 
While the shadow lurks, he proves his worth.

[Pre-Outro] [melancholy]
In realms of darkness, his path unwind, 
He guides the way, where despair will us blind.
With every step, his hope unearth, 
While the shadow lurks, he proves his worth.

[Outro] [brooding]
So let us sing of his journeys told, 
Through shadows deep, where mysteries hold.

Will Tagresden's tale end in endless shadows grim, 
Or in the gentle embrace of soft light's hymn?

[Fade to End]